v0.5 Bindings Overhaul + Input Bug Fix!

Hewwo! This is a very important update, as not only does it fix a major bug that prevented the handheld from being used that way it was intended, but also adds more flexibility to how people can binding their controls!

Changelog v0.5 (2/18/2024)


-Replaced old analog toggles with a more flexible bindings system. Bind analog values however you want!

-Replaced mouse movement toggles with the new system

-You can now choose how many clicks you want for each scroll wheel turn or bind as an axis and hold it down to keep scrolling!

-Bindings presets updated to accommodate the new system

-Bindings presets are now tailored for the selected controller type


-Fixed a major bug that prevented input blocking from working on some systems! Yipppeeee!


-Made some adjustments to the About screen

-Added testers who helped me out directly to the About screen

-Added Nestorboy and ZanyCat stickers to the About screen. Have your sticker added by becoming a member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zanycatxr


Virtual Handheld v0.5.zip 33 MB
Feb 19, 2024

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